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Regional Scrum Gathering® Tokyo 2014, Keynote speech by Ms. Jutta Eckstein #sgt2014

At 2nd day of Regional Scrum gathering Tokyo 2014, the keynote speech was "Introducing Agility into an Organization or: How to become Agile" by Jutta Eckestein.

This session gave me some great hints. They will help me to introduce something new to my team. This can be adapted to not only agile, also any other things.

Now, I'm trying to let our team members use TDD. So, this session was so useful for that. 

Typical Step of Change

She introduced 2 type pycological model about "Change". Elisabeth Kübler-Ross's one and Virginia Satir's one.

Jutta explained both of them with example of PowerPoint2010.

Elisabeth Kübler-Ross's model

  1. "I don't like UI of new PowerPoint. I'll continuously use old version"
  2. "I have to use new one."
  3. "I used to use new one. I don't hate new one anymore"

Virginia Satir's model

  1. Comfortable. "I like to use old PowerPoint".
  2. Chaos. "Sometimes I feel new one is good, but sometimes feel that is bad"
  3. Make sense. Understanding new one.
  4. Integration & Practice

We should understand  these "change" will cause in persons who are introduced something new.

How to introduce new things

Jutta told us 7 steps to introduce new things.

  1. Preparation (Explaning what we will try)
  2. Retrospective
  3. Readiness/Enabling Workshop
  4. (Customized) Training
  5. Monitoring / Coaching
  6. Sustaining Change
  7. Leassons Learned

Especially I was got strong impression from 3. and 4. So I'll explain them.

Readiness/Enabling Workshop

Classify "new things" to these 4 classes.

  1. What's we already do
    -> We might do some one already. For example, we don't call it "daily scrum", but we do morning meeting every day.
  2. What's easy to apply
  3. What's really difficult to apply
  4. What's impossible to do

Not only classify, also it's important to be clear what is blocker to do them.

In our team's case (starting TDD), No.1 is "Writing test code". Although the timing is after writing production code, anyway, all of us write test code.

(Customized) Training

After we decided to do something new, we will do training of that. But we should not create virtual issue for just the training because we cannot learn the skill to real issue by that.

We should "customize" training, which follow real issue.

3 Roles

Jutta also said, 3 roles should work together to start new things.

  • Passinate change agent
    -> The person who has passion to change something.
  • Project Leader
    -> He / She can construct relation with manager.
  • Architect / Technical leader
    -> The person who has high skill / knowleadge about the team's product. 

I think I'm so happy because now, my team's "Project Leader" & Architect are so collaborative.



 I got great hint to introduce something new to my team! I'm going to use these knowledge to adapt something new.