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Java11 : JavaDayTokyo2018 report 1 #JavaDayTokyo

I've attended to this year's JavaDayTokyo.

My personal themes was learning about these.

  • Java11, the LTS version being released half years after
  • Other upcoming functions
    • Especially about Project Valhalla. Recently, "How to treat huge size collection" is one of my important topic in my work.

Update of Java 11 from Java 10

These 8 JPEs will be added.

From them, the only update to "how to write code" looks this.
JEP 323: Local-Variable Syntax for Lambda Parameters

So, I think I can say the difference between Java 8 and Java 11 is "Jigsaw + 'var'".

The "Next" LTS version is 17

The next LTS version after 11 is 17, it will be released on September, 2021. It is 3 years after than 11's release.
(I had thought LTS is released per 1.5 years, but not)

Mission Control and Flight Recorder will be free, from JDK 11

From JDK 11, we can use Mission Control & Flight Recorder for free.
In key note session, the demonstration of them was held. It looked so useful for finding reason of performance issue.

I wanna use it for my huge & complex product !