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JavaOne2013 Overview : JavaOne2013 report 2 #JavaOne

This is overview report of JavaOne2013. I'll post each session's repot to here.



Why did I attend JavaOne?

In this year, I'm trying increasing my "technical skill", especialy programing skill. So, I tryed to attend technical conference about programing language.

What did I noticed when I choose sessions?

I had heard there are so many sessions in Java, but I was realy surprised that I need choose my sessions from huge number of them.


Through choosing my sessions, I found I was interested in REST, cloud, and operation. They were related my current tasks.

Since "Java technology" is so wide, and I didn't know which kind of technology was I interested in. But thanks to this "choosing", I could know my favor. This is one of what I learned.

What did I get / know / notice

The most impressive learning from JavaOne is that I realized that I have so many chance to consider and chose components consisting application.
In addition, I also noticed an importance of "practice swing" for choosing them.

Example1. choosing application server

"CON4117:The Adventurous Developer's Guide to Application Servers" gave me great learning.

In truth, I have not thought about application server deeply. I've used tomcat without thinking. But now, I know there are many kind of application servers, in addition, some of them were released in recent years. Now, I can consider which one is the best to each applications which have different strong point.

Example2. considering using Java8

About language, it is good experience that I imagined start of using Java8 on our work. By keynote and some session like "Programing with Lambda Expressions in Java", I could realize that the change to Java8 is so big, that we should adjust to this for readable code, and that every team members (of course, containing me) should learn it preliminarily to start using easily.

Attending overseas conference is realy bang for the buck?

Can't I realize such things without going overseas conference?
This attendance costed my company almost as same as my monthly salary.

Even so, I think going JavaOne is U.S. gave me such graet things.

Motivation of studing English

Since I could not understand each session well from my poor English skill

Realization my interest from tons of session theme

As I already told it, I could find my interest by chosing my session from unbelievable number of sessions.

Time for "practice swing". Training camp

In truth, I spent more time to "looking back" of sessions than hearing them. It means I sit down near the outlet, and learned more about session's theme, wrote program code, and posted blog.

It seems these things don't require going abroad. But actually it's very difficult to create enough time for that in daily life. Thanks to I was in another country, I could concentrate only technology. I thought it is like training camp of a sport.


This time, I could get those realization. I deeply appreciate this global opportunity.

Logo is so important for your community: JavaOne2013 report 1 #JavaOne #UGF10588

Now, I'm participating JavaOne2013.

My first session was "Organizing Your Local Community" by Mr. Ryan Cuprak.
I was interested in how bay area's guys organize their community because here is hometown of technical meet up.

Mr. Cuprak has organized a JUG (Java User Group) named CTJAVA since 2002. In this session, he talked about what he has learned, what was difficulty, and how he improved his community. He mainly talked about JUG, but I think those way is commonly useful to other kind of community.

To wrap up, I felt wherever difficult things is almost same. We need spent our time for organizing community, in addition it's required management skill, which is different from coding skill. At that, gathering people is so hard.
On the other hand, he could get that important skill, knowledge of current technical trend, and connection out of his work.

Well, he spoke the one of important stuff of community is "Logo". A log of community can illustrate a visual images of the community, and left that to other persons.

I strong agree that. I organize "10% rule" in my company. One day, I asked to design that's logo to my colleague. After that, I have been able to use it to presentation slides, sticker, and my desktop's back ground. I sometimes show my PC's screen as "advertisement" at meeting.

However, creating logo is difficult.
If you don't have good colleague, how can you get nice logo? Mr. Cuprak said (also, it's said generally) almost coder is not good designer.
He recommended 2 ways.

1. Asked to professional
Logo by professional has value than $2000.

2. Online logo services.
CT Java's log was created by this site.

As he said, both way can provide "iterative ideas" to you.

So, the logo is very important for your community.